The Glorious Appalachian Trail

The Glorious Appalachian Trail
Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mt. Katahdin, Maine

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Say YES to carbo-loading!

Deleted scene from The Hobbit
Keebler:  Hey, little girl.  Ya want some candy?
Tauriel:  Um, yes.  But stay where you are and turn out your pockets...slowly.
Keebler: *gives a smirk and a wink while easing his hands into his pockets*
Tauriel:  Hey!  That's not candy!
Keebler:  I know.  It's a sleeve of Fudge Stripes.
Tauriel:  Pig. That's dwarf food. *looks away in disgust*
Keebler:  You Woodland Elves think you're so much better than us.
Tauriel:  We are, and it's "we", you uneducated swine.
Keebler:  SEE??!?
Tauriel:  *draws a dagger and points it at Keebler* Now get out of my sight!
Keebler:  *darts away and shinnies up the nearest tree*
Tauriel:  And I suggest you start carrying those Grasshopper cookies instead!
(end of scene)

Elvin miles
Matt B. - 20 min level 1
Amber - 55 min level 1
Karolyn -  45 min level 1, 45 min level 2
Brian M - 30 min level 1, 60 min level 2
Jesse - 40 min level 1
Rich - 15 min level 2
Total: 25 miles

We're in Tennessee, baby!  Still waaaaayyyyy behind Jenn Pharr Davis.  We'll catch her.

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