The Glorious Appalachian Trail

The Glorious Appalachian Trail
Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mt. Katahdin, Maine

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jesse did WHAT??!?!?!?

Sorry, no names.  #01 did WHAT???

#01:  Hey Karolyn~
For Monday I did 50 min. of circuit training. Also, do the pushups have to be done at a certain time or anything? If there is no fancy special requirement, I did 500 a couple days ago.

Karolyn:  WHAT?  You did 500 pushups by yourself a few days ago???  Please confirm.

#01:  It’s true; they’re my bread and butter. Thanks for being so surprised. J

Karolyn:  I believe you only get credit for 490 because #04 did 10 push-ups a couple days ago.  But, I think you deserve a free lunch.  How about some Lembas bread?  

circuit training 50 min = +5 miles
500/500 pushups

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