The Glorious Appalachian Trail

The Glorious Appalachian Trail
Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mt. Katahdin, Maine

Friday, February 20, 2015

Well hello, hello, hello! Elves on the move again!

A late-reporting, shining star of an elf threw in some impressive numbers to help the equipo viejo y constado along:

2/10: 60 min. circuit train
2/11: 45 min. circuit train
2/12: 30 min. circuit train
2/13: nothin’
2/14: nothin’
2/15: 120 min. hiking
2/16: 180 min. hiking
2/17: nothin’

2/18: 30 min. circuit train
= +39

And this just in from others:
cardio 50 = 5
cardio 55 = 5.5
running 30 = 3
weights 60 = 3
hiking 60 = 4.5
= +21

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